DN Application: WHOIS DB
KNNIC maintains a public query-based access through a directory look up system connected to a searchable database, which contains the information of the domain name and its contact details.
A. The following information is displayed on the WHOIS database:
(a) The Domain Name
(b) Creation Date and the Expiry Date
(c) Status of the Domain Name – the active/deleted/suspended status
(d) Registrant Contact – the registrant organization name and address.
(e) Registrar Contact – the registrar’s name.
(f) Administrative Contact – the administrative contact organization name, administrative contact person name, and organization address.
(g) Billing Contact – the billing contact organization name, billing contact person name, and organization address.
(h) Technical Contact – the technical contact organization name, technical contact person name, organization address and telephone number, fax number and email address
(i) Nameservers – the primary and secondary hostnames and corresponding IP addresses
A.3 The information listed in paragraph A.2 (a) to (i) is mandatory for a domain name. In the case of .kn domain names, the display of the address of the registrant in the WHOIS database is optional. KNNIC may for technical reasons or in compliance with any legal obligation or requirement, as determined by KNNIC at its sole discretion, disclose to any third party upon application to it information in its possession relating to any Registrant whether referred to in its WHOIS record or otherwise.
B.1 In addition to the reserved names as stated in paragraph 2, KNNIC retains the ultimate discretion to reject or refuse any .kn domain name sought to be registered by an applicant. Registrars shall seek KNNIC’s approval when registering domain names in all suffixes, where the domain name: (a) is the full or abbreviated name or an acronym of a ministry, statutory board or government agency of Saint Christopher and Nevis (or variations thereof); or (b) may be contrary to public interest or order, national harmony, or offend good taste or decency, religious beliefs or any other social objectives.
B.2 Registrars shall refer to KNNIC when in doubt of registering any domain names KNNIC
B.3 KNNIC may cancel or suspend a registration, approved by the registrar, which KNNIC in its sole and absolute discretion determines to not be in conformity with its policies, procedures and guidelines for registration.
B.4 Each of the registrant and registrar agrees that KNNIC shall not be liable for any loss or damages or expenses arising out of KNNIC’s rejection of the application or registration, or cancellation or suspension of the domain name.
Domain Name Registration Service (DNRS) Committee The DNRS Committee consists of entities which are concerned service provision of DNS. Its function is to:
- Advise KNNIC on the domain name registration policy and procedures to effectively manage the .KN domain name space;
- Advise KNNIC on the domain name policies introduced by ICANN and various Network Information Centre in other countries and on possible alignment and improvement of KNNIC registration policy and procedures to ensure consistency with the best practices of the industry;
- Present to KNNIC Board’s approval, recommendations on domain name policies that might be relevant for .KN domain. In the performance of its function, the DNRS Committee may:
- Provide direction in relation to the policy and registration aspect of KNNIC’s work;
- Review proposed and existing policy guidelines; and
- Examine and analyze draft policy and procedural guidelines and other relevant documents for recommendation to KNNIC Board
Domain Name System Technical (DNST) Committee
The DNRS Committee’s function is to:
- Advise KNNIC on the ways to increase operational efficiency and resiliency of KNNIC’s DNS and infrastructure;
- To keep abreast of emerging technologies and standards in the area of DNS and to advise KNNIC on possible areas of interest;
- Present to KNNIC Board’s on emerging standards/technologies that might be relevant for .KN domain;
- Advise on the conduct of any necessary trial with industry partners on technologies that might be relevant for .KN domain. In the performance of its function, the DNST Committee may:
- Provide direction in relation to the technical aspect of KNNIC’s work;
- Review proposed and existing technical standards and guidelines; and
- Examine and collect draft specifications, guidelines and other relevant documents for recommendation to KNNIC Board; and
- Provide, through the Committee’s host organizations, resources to develop technical specifications and guidelines.