Domain Name Changes

A. Modification of Domain Names

A.1 Registrants shall ensure that all information in the registration record for a domain name is up-to-date, complete and accurate. Any update of registration information must be done through the registrant’s registrar of record.

A.2 Registrants may request registrars to update/modify information relating to a domain name by providing the necessary documents. Such information includes changes in the mailing address of a contact or changes in name server details, but does not include a change of registrant or registrar which are governed by specific procedures in paragraphs 10 (Change of Registrant).

B. Expiry and Renewal of Domain Names

B.1 Registrants may register a Domain Name for an initial period of either 1 or 2 years. Upon successful registration, a Domain Name shall be deemed to have been registered in the name of the Registrant as of the date on which such registration had been applied for, and the said registration shall expire 1 or 2 years from such date, as the case may be, and as reflected in its WHOIS record (“the Expiry Date”).

B.2 Prior to its Expiry Date, the Registrant of a Domain Name may upon payment of the requisite fee extend its period of registration by either one or two years beyond the then current Expiry Date, provided always that the new expiry date of the registration if so renewed will not exceed 36 months from the date on which the renewal instruction is received by KNNIC.

B.3 The following applies in the case of Domain Names that are not renewed on or before the Expiry Date:

B.3.1 within the period of 30 days immediately following the Expiry Date (“the Post Expiry Grace Period”), the Domain Name will be suspended and will cease to resolve, but may be reactivated at its Registrar’s discretion for a period of up to 24 hours upon Registrant’s request for the purpose of renewal with the same Registrar. The Domain Name registration may be renewed upon payment of the requisite fee by the Registrant if KNNIC receives a renewal instruction during this period, in which event, the new expiry date of the domain name registration will be 1 year from the date of the Expiry Date;

B.3.2 within the period of 30 days immediately following the Post Expiry Grace Period (“the Deleted Escrow Period”), the Domain Name will be suspended and cease to resolve, but may still be renewed for a KNNIC period of 1 year upon payment of a Reinstatement Fee to KNNIC, in addition to the Renewal Fee. In such event, the new expiry date of the Domain Name registration will be 1 year from the date on which KNNIC receives the renewal instruction.

B.3.3 beyond the period stated in sub-paragraph 8.3.2 above, the Domain Name record will be purged from the WHOIS database and become available for registration by any qualifying member of the public.

B.4 A Domain Name which is in the “Pending Transfer” status (as designated in its WHOIS records) may not be renewed until after the transfer is agreed, cancelled or rejected.


A.1 A domain name may be suspended or deleted by the registrar or KNNIC if the registrant has breached any of the KNNIC’s guidelines or agreements it has entered into with the registrar and/or KNNIC.

A.2 KNNIC shall delete or suspend a domain name in compliance with any order of court, or if it receives notice from any government or regulatory authority (including without limitation the Police) that the website referenced by the domain name is in breach of any laws, directives, guidelines, codes of practice or regulations issued by any government or regulatory authority, or is otherwise used for or in connection with illegal activities.

A.3 KNNIC may take over the provision of any Registrar Services relating to any Domain Name upon any breach by Registrar of its obligations to KNNIC in connection therewith.

A. Change (Transfer) of Registrant

A.1 Current Registrant (Transferor Registrant) and New Registrant (Transferee Applicant) Belong to the Same Registrar

A.1.1 The registrar shall, before initiating the transfer, obtain appropriate authorization for the transfer such as a bilateral agreement between the parties.

A.1.2 The transferee applicant must agree to be bound by the Registrant Agreement in order to apply to have a domain name registration transferred to it.

A.1.3 The transferee applicant must submit the transfer request to the registrar, indicating the domain name and the transferor registrant’s password for verification.

A.1.4 Upon receiving the request from the transferee applicant, the registrar will send an email to the transferor registrant and notify the transferee applicant.

A.1.5 The transferor registrant is given seven (7) days from the time and date of the registrar’s email to: a) confirm and approve the transfer request; or b) reject the transfer request and give the reason for disputing the authorization.

A.1.6 Where the transferor registrant does not respond to the transfer request within the seven (7) days, the request shall be rejected and cancelled by the registrar.

A.2 Transfer or Registrant and Transferee Applicant Belong to Different Registrars

A.2.1 Both the transferor registrar and the transferee registrar shall, before initiating the transfer, obtain appropriate authorization of the transfer such as a bilateral agreement between the parties;

A.2.2 The transferor registrar should provide the password of the domain name to the transferor registrant within three (3) working days. The transferor registrant shall pass the password to the transferee applicant.

A.2.3 The transferee applicant is required to send a transfer request to its registrar indicating: a) the domain name; b) the password of the domain name; c) the name of the transferor registrant; and d) the transferor registrar

A.2.4 Upon receiving the transfer request from the transferee applicant, the transferee registrar will submit the request to the transferor registrar via the WHOIS database. The transferor registrar shall then notify the transferor registrant.

A.2.5 Upon receiving the transfer request from the transferee registrar, the KNNIC will: a) send an email to both registrars; and b) mark the registration in KNNIC’s WHOIS database as pending the transfer.

A.2.6 The transfer shall be completed if either: a) The transferor registrar expressly approves the request, or c) No response was received from the transferor registrar within seven (7) days from the date and time of KNNIC’s notification to the registrars. In this case, the request shall be taken as validated and approved. The transferee registrar shall inform all parties concerned.

A.2.7 The transferor registrant can within seven (7) days expressly reject the transfer and give the reason for rejecting the transfer.

A.2.8 In the event that both the transferor registrant and transferee applicant agree to change to a common registrar, the procedures in paragraph 10.1 may be applied. The transferee applicant may thereafter proceed KNNIC to initiate the transfer of the domain name from the transferor registrant in accordance with paragraph 9.1. 9.2.9 The procedure set forth in this paragraph 9.2 does not apply unless the subject Domain Name is in the “Active” status as reflected in its WHOIS records. During the Post Expiry Grace Period or Deleted Escrow Period (as defined in paragraph 8), the Registrar of record must first reactivate the Domain Name (but shall not be obliged to do so) upon the request of the Registrant, so that it will be in the “Active” status for the purposes of effecting the transfer.

B. Change (Transfer) of Registrar

B.1 At Registrant’s Request

B.1.1 The registrant of a Domain Name which is in the “Active” status as reflected in its WHOIS records may at any time beyond the expiry of the Delete Grace Period (defined in paragraph 13) change its registrar, provided registrant continues to fulfill its obligations under the Agreement with its current (losing) registrar and it complies with the procedure herein. During the Post Expiry Grace Period or Deleted Escrow Period (as defined in paragraph 9), the Registrar of record must first reactivate the Domain Name (but shall not be obliged to do so) upon the request of the Registrant, so that it will be in the “Active” status for the purposes of affecting the transfer.

B.1.2 To change its registrar of record for a domain name registration, the registrant must first select a new (winning) registrar accredited by KNNIC.

B.1.3 The losing registrar should issue the password to the registrant within three (3) working days of registrant’s notice of changing registrar.

B.1.4 The registrant must require the new (winning) registrar to submit a transfer request to the current (losing) registrar via WHOIS database. The registrant should provide: a) the domain name; b) the password of the domain name obtained from losing registrar, c) the registrant’s contact information; and d) the registrant’s Administrative Contact, Billing Contact and Technical Contact KNNIC 1

B.1.5 Registrants are advised to pass the information listed in paragraph 10.1.4 (a) to (d) to the new (winning) registrar at least seven (7) days before the expiry date of their domain names.

B.1.6 Upon receiving the transfer request from the winning registrar, KNNIC will: a) send an email to both registrars and b) mark the registration in KNNIC’s WHOIS database as pending the transfer.

B.1.7 Within seven (7) days from the date and time of KNNIC’s email notification to the registrars, the winning registrar shall obtain express authorization from the registrant (as reflected in the database of the losing registrar). The form of the authorization is at the discretion of each winning registrar. The winning registrar shall retain a record of the reliable evidence of the authorization.

B.1.8 Within seven (7) days from the date and time of KNNIC’s email notification to the registrars, the losing registrar may object to the transfer request. It shall notify the prospective registrar that the request was not accepted and the reason for the objection. Instances where the requested change of the winning registrar may be objected include, but are not limited to: a) Situations described in the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP). b) Pending bankruptcy of the registrant. c) Dispute over the identity of the registrant. d) Domain name registration is still within the Delete Grace Period (as defined in paragraph 14) where registrar transfer is not allowed.

B.1.9 The transfer shall be completed if either: a) The losing registrar expressly approves the request, or b) No response was received from the losing registrar within seven (7) days from the date and time of KNNIC’s notification to the registrars. In this case, the request shall be taken as validated and be approved.

B.1.10 When KNNIC’s database has been updated to reflect the change to the winning registrar; KNNIC will send an email notification to both registrars.

B.1.11 KNNIC’s approval of the transfer constitutes a representation that the winning registrar: a) has obtained the necessary authorization from the registrant listed in the database of the losing registrar; and b) will provide the losing registrar a copy of the authorization, if and when requested.

B.1.12 The losing registrar may only require the registrant to settle any outstanding payment in connection with the service provided and shall not prevent the registrant from moving to another registrar. Any administrative fee, if levied by the losing registrar for the transfer, shall be subject to KNNIC’s approval.

B.2 At Registrar’s Request

B.2.1 A registrar shall transfer the domain name registrations to other KNNIC accredited registrars within thirty (30) days, if it ceases to be an accredited registrar due to suspension or termination of accreditation status.

B.2.2 Under these circumstances, the registrar shall immediately give notice to its registrants to inform them of the status. The registrar shall cooperate with and render whatever assistance is required by other accredited registrars to ensure that they take over its registrants who have not changed to a registrar of their choice.

B.2.3 KNNIC may also post notice of such suspension or termination on its website and where appropriate, give notice to the registrants of the registrar concerned.

B.2.4 Each registrant shall be responsible for changing its registrar of record to a new KNNIC accredited registrar within thirty (30) days of the earlier notice given to the registrant by either the registrar or KNNIC; provided, however, that if any of the registrant’s domain name registration(s) is scheduled to expire within thirty (30) days of the given notice, the registrant shall have additional thirty (30) days to transfer to a new registrar.

B.2.5 The registrant shall inform KNNIC of the new registrar it is transferring its domain name registration(s) to. KNNIC will approve the transfer. KNNIC

B.2.6 The out-going registrar shall not charge the registrant any fee for the transfer of the registered domain name to another registrar.